- タイトル: Baby Shark - シリーズ名: Super Simple Songs - ジャンル: キッズ・ファミリー - 収録曲: Baby Shark, Apples & Bananas, The Muffin Man, Wheels on the Bus, Old MacDonald Had a Farm, If Youre Happy and You Know It, The More We Get Together, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Five Little Ducks, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Row Row Row Your Boat, This Old Man, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Bear Went Over the Mountain, The Hokey Pokey, The Wheels on the Bus, The Farmer in the Dell, The Ants Go Marching, The Muffin Man, The More We Get Together - 言語: 英語 - 対象年齢: 幼児向け - 発売年: 2017年 - 製造国: 日本